If Only There Were Ten More Suneethas…

Posted By CMCA on 31 Oct 2019

As part of our meet the team series on social media, we asked Suneetha, a CMCA team member from Mysuru, a few questions.

When did you join CMCA?

I have been associated with CMCA for more than seven years. I still remember my first day. I participated in a training session on the CMCA Club programme by Priya, one of CMCA’s founding members. I was so impressed by the incredible work the organisation was doing, the concept of ‘active citizenship’, and its vision and mission.

What are the lessons you have learnt through this journey?

Before joining CMCA, I was very different. I did not even know the name of the major roads in my own city. I was so timid that I even hesitated to enter a restaurant and order a cup of tea for myself. I used to depend on my family member for much of my daily work. However, I already had rooted in me some values and habits which are very close to CMCA’s cause, for example, treating all people equally, following the rules, and not littering roads and public places. My husband always used to tell me, ‘If only there were ten more people like you in this city, Mysuru would become as clean and well organised as any foreign city!’ 

During these years, however, I became confident and more concerned, especially towards the environment. I even got a new perspective on gender equality, democracy and citizen’s rights and responsibilities. I also stopped blindly believing any news I receive on my phone and started doing more research about it.

Sometimes I feel CMCA was like a university for me and that I have learnt more than I taught.

How did this transformation start?

In the beginning, I used to take small actions to make my neighbourhood better. I used to call local agencies to fix civic issues, I started adopting eco-friendlier practices in my daily life, etc. The first time I spoke out in public though was a few years ago. I was on a bus and the conductor was misbehaving with a female passenger. The woman just asked for her change back and the conductor started raising his voice against her. I mustered my courage and confronted the man and asked him to behave in a proper manner, the woman was just asking for what was hers after all! After speaking up, other passengers supported me and stood by the woman.

What motivates you in your work?

What motivates me the most is the change we are instilling in society. When I hear stories of children, Volunteer Educators, or even our team members taking action for change, it gives me a sense of satisfaction and pride.

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CMCA has been accredited by Credibility Alliance under the category “Desirability Norms” – for good governance, accountability, transparency and continuous improvements. Credibility Alliance is a consortium of voluntary organisations committed to enhancing accountability and transparency in the voluntary sector through good governance.